Nassau weather in February 2026

Expect daytime maximum temperatures of 25°C in Nassau, Bahamas in February based on long-term weather averages. There are 8 hours of sunshine per day on average with 10 days with some rainfall and typically 42 mm of rainfall in the month.

  • 25°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Nassau25
    25°C max day temperature
  • 8 hours of sunshine per day
  • 10 days with some rainfall in February in Nassau10
    10 days with some rainfall
  • 17°C minimum night-time temperature in February in Nassau17
    17°C min night temperature
  • 11 hours of daylight per day in February in Nassau11
    11 hours of daylight per day
  • Low heat & humidity in February in NassauL
    Low heat & humidity
  • 42 mm monthly rainfall in February in Nassau42
    42 mm of monthly rainfall
  • UV (maximum) index 8 (Very High) in February in Nassau8
    8 (Very High) UV index
  • 24°C sea temperature in February in Nassau24
    24°C sea temperature

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The February weather guide for Bahamas (Nassau) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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How hot is it in Nassau in February?

Daytime temperatures usually reach 25°C in Nassau in February with low heat and humidity, falling to 17°C at night.

How sunny is it in Nassau in February?

There are normally 8 hours of bright sunshine each day in Nassau in February - that's 66% of daylight hours.

How warm is the sea around Nassau in February?

The average sea temperature around Nassau in February is 24°C.

Does it rain in Nassau in February?

There are usually 10 days with some rain in Nassau in February and the average monthly rainfall is 42mm.

Nassau February sunrise & sunset times

Browse the sunrise and sunset times for Nassau in February 2026. Select a month to view Nassau sunrise and sunset times for the next 12 months.


Date Sunrise times Sunset times
Sunday, 1st February 2026 06:52 17:54
Saturday, 14th February 2026 06:44 18:03
Saturday, 28th February 2026 06:33 18:11

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