Covid travel planner

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Region New cases Fully vaccinated Tourism status Entry requirements
Algarve 49.0 81% Open None
Andorra 37.6 69.2% Open None
Antigua   63.2% Open None
Aruba 101.4   Open None
Australia 290.2 82.8% Open None
Austria 205.0 73.9% Open None
Azores   84% Open None
Bahamas   42.1% Open None
Balearic Islands 59.5 86.3% Open None
Barbados   53.9% Open None
Belgium 120.0 78.8% Open None
Bulgaria 16.4   Open None
Cambodia <1 86.7% Open None
Canada 50.1 83.4% Open None
Canary Islands 149.2 87.7% Open None
Cape Verde 1.2 54.9% Open None
China 3.8 88.4% Open Pre-departure test
Costa Rica 195.2 85% Open None
Croatia 34.0 55.2% Open None
Cuba 1.2 88.8% Open None
Cyprus 401.6 72.8% Open None
Czech Republic 28.2 64.3% Open None
Denmark 136.9 81.1% Open None
Dominican Republic 32.7 56% Open None
Egypt   40.6% Open None
Faroe Islands   83.4% Open None
France 144.7 78.7% Open None
Gambia   21.7% Open None
Germany 167.5 75.8% Open None
Gibraltar 205.0 100% Open None
Greece   73.7% Open None
Grenada 28.7 34.5% Open None
Hong Kong 1,615.0 90.1% Open Pre-departure test
Hungary 29.3 64.4% Open None
Iceland 86.9 84.5% Open None
Indonesia 1.2 63.3% Open for vaccinated Vaccinated
Ireland 123.0 81.6% Open None
Israel 65.4 70.1% Open None
Italy 230.3 79.4% Open None
Jamaica 1.2 25.6% Open None
Japan 947.2 82% Open Pre-departure test
Jersey   81% Open None
Kenya <1 20.2% Open Pre-departure test
Luxembourg 271.6   Open None
Madeira 314.0 84% Open None
Malaysia 9.5 84.1% Open None
Maldives 2.9 70.9% Open None
Malta 45.2 91.6% Open None
Mauritius 104.3 85.4% Open None
Mexico 38.7 62.8% Open None
Monaco 120.6 64.9% Open None
Morocco <1 63% Open None
Netherlands 30.8 68.5% Open None
New Zealand 859.0   Open None
Norway 20.4 74.2% Open None
Oman   58.4% Open None
Poland 6.6   Open None
Portugal 37.8 87.6% Open None
Seychelles   84.5% Open None
Singapore 96.9 86.8% Open None
Slovakia 16.1 47.2% Open None
Slovenia 279.8 58.8% Open None
South Africa 1.3 35% Open None
Spain 19.4 87.2% Open None
Sri Lanka <1 68.6% Open None
St Lucia 10.0 29.8% Open None
Sweden 80.5 74.7% Open None
Switzerland 47.7   Open None
Thailand 2.5 76.5% Open None
Tunisia <1 53.6% Open None
Turkey   62.5% Open None
UAE 5.1 98% Open None
USA 146.5 69.3% Open for vaccinated Vaccinated
Vietnam <1 87.6% Open None

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Covid travel planner - how it works

Our interactive Covid travel planner enables you to view the latest Covid-19 statistics and travel information for countries around the world. Filter and sort the countries based on your requirements. The following datasets are shown in the table above:

Check which country to visit with the interactive Covid Travel Planner
Check which country to visit with the interactive Covid Travel Planner © BlueOrange Studio -

The UK travel list

On 4 October 2021 the UK government replaced the traffic light system with a simpler two tier system for international travel.

Countries are categorised into Red or "Rest of the World" (ROW) based on criteria such as the rate of new Covid-19 infections and vaccination rollout along with the prevalence of variants and the country's access to reliable scientific data and genomic sequencing.

Travel restrictions such as the requirement to produce test results and spend time in quarantine are then set for each tier. The requirements differ based on travellers' vaccine status.

For a full list of countries' current status see the rules for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The UK travel list is maintained and published by the UK government. When changes are made to the list we update our web pages accordingly.

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Covid-19 vaccinations

These statistics show the percentage of the population in each country who are partially or fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Select a country to see actual numbers and the latest update date.

The Covid-19 (coronavirus) vaccinations information is collected and maintained by Our World in Data and is updated daily. Canaries and Balearics information is provided by the Spanish Ministry of Health.

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Covid-19 statistics - new cases

These statistics show the average number of new cases per 100,000 of the population recorded in the previous 7 and 14 days. Select a country to see how newly recorded cases have varied over the previous 10 weeks.

Countries with a low population and a small increase or decrease in new cases will show very high rates of change so it is always best to look at both the numbers of new cases as well as the percentage figures.

The number of newly recorded Covid-19 cases per 100,000 of population is provided by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and is updated weekly. Canaries and Balearics data courtesy of the Spanish Ministry of Health.

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Destination status & entry requirements

Countries around the world have different entry requirements and quarantine rules and also often treat visitors and residents differently. However, most require all arrivals to produce proof of a recent negative Covid-19 test.

  • Status - travel restrictions, entry bans and border controls
  • Required - current quarantine and testing requirements for entry

The current status on travel bans and entry restrictions in countries is collected and maintained by from a range of travel and tourism websites including official government sources. We try to keep this as up to date as we can.

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