Byway Travel

Going flight-free on your next holiday? Allow Byway Travel to build your dream adventure from scratch, whether it's interrailing around central Europe, taking the ski train to the slopes, or a beach break on the Med. Get to know the UK's leading provider of no-fly adventures.

Latest deals on flight-free holidays in 2025/2026 with Byway Travel
Latest deals on flight-free holidays in 2025/2026 with Byway Travel

Byway Travel flight-free holiday deals

Here you'll find the latest deals and discount codes for 2025/2026 from Byway Travel. Find savings on your flight-free holiday with flash sales and look out for special offers, shoulder season rates and late deals.

  • Build unique holidays with Byway Travel trip builder
  • Complete three minute quiz to generate your trip plan
  • Select a destination & your preferred experiences
  • Explore last minute deals on flight-free holidays
  • Travel to multiple European destinations on holiday by train
  • Depart from London or other locations in the UK & Europe

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About Byway Travel

Whether you've always wanted to try interrailing or you're aiming to travel with a smaller carbon footprint, Byway Travel* can help create your dream trip with recommendations on the best routes by train, bus or ferry, handpicked accommodation away from the crowds, and insider tips on things to see, eat and do.

Speeding through Spain on the high-speed rail network
Speeding through Spain on the high-speed rail network © Pedrosala - Adobe Stock Image

Founded in 2020 by sustainable travel expert Cat Jones, Byway Travel is the first booking platform to offer 100% flight-free transport and accommodation holiday packages, which are all bespoke and customisable.

Why book with Byway Travel?

If you've ever tried to plan an interrailing trip yourself with lots of moving parts, you'll appreciate what a headache it can be to make sure your train connections and hotel bookings line up seamlessly.

Byway Travel does all of the legwork for you, using its in-house JourneyAI technology to come up with the best routes, connections and conveniently located stays for your trip.

The Schynige Platte railway, just south of Interlaken
The Schynige Platte railway, just south of Interlaken - photo courtesy of Jungfrau Region Tourist Board

In addition to having expert knowledge in flight-free travel at your disposal, a Byway Travel holiday comes with the following perks:

  • 24/7 support - speak to a travel expert any time on WhatsApp
  • Top-rated experience - Byway Travel is rated excellent on Trustpilot with a score of 4.9
  • Peace of mind - enjoy the protections and high standards of a package holiday with an ABTA-registered company
  • Responsible travel - Byway Travel is a B Corp-certified company, meaning it has met some of the world's most rigorous standards on social and environmental issues

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Byway Travel hand crafts flight-free holidays to dozens of European destinations, including:

  • Western/Central Europe - Austria, Belgium, France (including Corsica), Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK
  • Balkans - Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia
  • Eastern Europe - Czech Republic, Poland
  • Mediterranean - Greece, Italy (including Sicily), Portugal, Spain, Turkey
  • Northern Europe - Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden
  • Other destinations - Morocco

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What's included in the price of a Byway Travel holiday package?

The holiday price* includes all accommodation, travel (unless stated otherwise), a journey guide with recommendations for your itinerary and 24/7 support on WhatsApp from the team.

It does not include hotel transfers, meals, tickets/passes to events and excursions, extra luggage, city/tourist taxes or local car/bike hire.

Can Byway provide accessible trips?

Yes, most trains, buses and ferries recommended by Byway are accessible and the company can make sure your accommodation is conveniently located. If you have any specific requirements, you can contact the team* before booking.

Can I change my plans once I'm on my trip?

Byway Travel* books flexible transport tickets wherever possible, giving you the freedom to spend an extra hour or two at your destination if you wish. For bigger changes, like spending an extra night somewhere, this may be classed as a rebooking and you will need to speak to the team to see if this is possible.

More FAQs >>

Can't find what you're looking for? Head back to our complete collection of travel deals and discount codes including offers on rail travel.

Laura Sanders

Laura Sanders

Updated on Wednesday 12th March 2025

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