Trusted Housesitters

Travelling pet owners and adventurous pet sitters unite! Whether you're leaving your pet or looking for a free place to stay in exchange for pet sitting, Trusted Housesitters* is the leading platform that brings the two sides together.

TrustedHousesitters membership offers for 2025/2026
TrustedHousesitters membership offers for 2025/2026

Top Trusted Housesitters membership offers

Check out the latest 2 verified deals and discount codes on Trusted Housesitters membership plans for pet owners and pet sitters. Save even more with combined membership plans.

  • Search for 5* pet sitters who can also house sit
  • Join Trusted Housesitters & find suitable sitters by area
  • Over 130 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania & Americas
  • Explore Trusted Housesitters membership from £119
  • Compare plans for pet owners & sitters
  • Discover what's included & about money back promise

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About Trusted Housesitters

Since 2010, Trusted Housesitters* has been uniting pet owners and pet sitters worldwide, offering unlimited pet care in exchange for a free place to stay.

Trusted Housesitters' worldwide network of pet sitters and pet owners extends to over 130 countries. What's more, it's not just cats and dogs; you'll find all sorts of other types of animals from other mammals such as alpacas to birds and reptiles.

If you're a pet owner*, sign up for an annual membership that connects you with suitable pet sitters who can care for both your loved one and your home while you're away.

Meanwhile, if you're a savvy pet sitter* who's happy with the responsibility of looking after another person's pet, you can also sign up for an annual membership, which will help you find places an unlimited number of stay on your travels throughout the year.

It's a win-win situation, as pets are happy in their familiar surroundings, their owners have peace of mind while on their travels and pet sitters, who, naturally, are animal lovers, enjoy a free place to stay.

View across Sydney's famous harbour
View across Sydney's famous harbour © Taras Vyshnya -

The only cost to both parties is the annual membership, as no fees are exchanged for house and pet sitting. Find out more about the membership offers below.

Peace of mind for all

Trusted Housesitters ensures all applicants are verified with references, background and ID checks. Alongside these checks, you can read user profiles and reviews to ensure you feel secure in your choice of a pet sitter or pet owner.

All memberships include house and contents protection*, covering any damage, theft and public liability, ensuring you can leave your home and pet in the hands of a pet sitter with confidence.

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How membership works

Whether you're a pet owner or a pet sitter, you can choose from three annual membership packages. If you're both a pet owner and a potential pet sitter, you could save even more with a combined membership.

Pet owner membership

If you're a pet owner looking for someone to care for your furry friend while you travel, simply sign up for a membership plan to connect with a suitable pet sitter covering your area. You won't need to pay for your pet sitter as that's part of the deal with your membership.

Pet owner membership Basic Standard Premium
Annual membership £119 £199 £249
Unlimited pet & home care Yes Yes Yes
House & contents protection Yes Yes
Money-back guarantee Yes Yes
Free vet video calls Yes Yes
Dedicated customer support Yes Yes
Search results 'boost' Yes Yes
See who's saved your listing Yes Yes
Site cancellation insurance Yes
Airport lounge passes (x2) worldwide Yes
Listing with 'Premium' badge Yes

About pet owner memberships >>

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Pet sitter membership

If you're an animal lover looking for a way to travel for less, sign up as a pet sitter on Trusted Housesitters. Complete your profile and start applying for pet-sitting positions in your desired destination. You'll stay for free in a home with a pet companion for company.

Pet sitter membership Basic Standard Premium
Annual membership £99 £129 £199
Unlimited house sits worldwide Yes Yes Yes
Unlimited saved searches - instant alerts Yes Yes
Accident & third party liability protecttion Yes Yes
Site cancellation insurance Yes
Airport lounge passes (x2) worldwide Yes
Listing with 'Premium' badge Yes

About pet sitter memberships >>

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Combined owner & sitter memberships

If you're looking to register as both a pet owner and a pet sitter with Trusted Housesitters, you can combine your annual membership for just £50 more, saving up to £149.

Membership type Basic Standard Premium
Pet owner £119 £199 £249
Pet sitter £99 £129 £199
Combined £179 £239 £329

Membership prices >>

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Trusted Housesitters operates in over 130 countries worldwide, meaning that wherever you're based or travelling to, there's likely a pet in need of being looked after or a sitter available.

Manhattan skyline, New York
Manhattan skyline, New York © Eyetronic -

Discover some of the most popular countries available on Trusted Housesitters below, whether you're looking for a pet sitter or a house to sit:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Portugal
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • UK
  • USA

Trusted Housesitters links pet owners and pet sitters up in much-loved cities around the world, from London and New York to Los Angeles, Sydney and Melbourne.

Explore more destinations* to see which pet sitters are available in your area and, if you're looking to become a sitter, check out the destinations* seeking house and pet sitters.

Explore destinations >>

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Can't find what you're looking for? Head over to our complete collection of hotel offers and villa accommodation deals to find even more great savings on house stays.

Sahara Gurung

Sahara Gurung

Updated on Wednesday 12th March 2025

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