TUI holidays from Shannon Airport

Looking to depart from Shannon Airport (SNN) in 2025/2026? Discover which top holiday destinations TUI offer flights and holidays from Shannon Airport in Ireland including mainland Spain, Portugal, Majorca and the Canaries.

TUI IrelandHolidays from Ireland

TUI holidays from Shannon

Book holidays with TUI from Shannon Airport to over 15 destinations across Europe and beyond including Corfu, Malta, Tenerife and New York in 2025/2026.

Region Country Destination
Europe Balearic Islands Majorca*
Europe Canary Islands Fuerteventura*
Europe Canary Islands Gran Canaria*
Europe Canary Islands Lanzarote*
Europe Canary Islands Tenerife*
Europe France France* - any destination
Europe France Paris*
Europe Greece Corfu*
Europe Italy Campania*
Europe Malta Malta* - any destination
Europe Poland Poland* - any destination
Europe Poland Krakow*
Europe Portugal Porto*
Europe Portugal Algarve*
Europe Portugal Madeira*
Europe Spain Costa Brava*
Europe Spain Costa del Sol*
Europe Spain Costa Dorada*
North America USA USA* - any destination
North America USA New York*

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Playa Malagueta, Malaga
Playa Malagueta, Malaga © Luis Pizarro - Adobe Stock Image

TUI flights from Shannon

TUI operates flights to just a few airports in Spain from Shannon Airport including Lanzarote and Majorca. Check out the lowest fares available for these routes, flight times and frequency in 2025/2026.

Region Country Destination
Europe Spain Palma de Mallorca Airport* (PMI)
Majorca, Balearic Islands
Europe Spain Lanzarote Airport* (ACE)
Lanzarote, Canary Islands
Europe Spain Reus Airport* (REU)
Costa Dorada

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The inviting arc of Playa de Papagayo
The inviting arc of Playa de Papagayo © Paolo Tralli -

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Learn more about where TUI Ireland flies and where they offer beach holidays and city breaks in 2025/2026 from top airports across the Republic of Ireland.

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