Gran Canaria weather in February 2026

Expect daytime maximum temperatures of 20°C in Gran Canaria, Spain in February based on long-term weather averages. There are 7 hours of sunshine per day on average.

  • 20°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)20
    20°C max day temperature
  • 7 hours of sunshine per day
  • 3 days with some rainfall in February in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)3
    3 days with some rainfall
  • 14°C minimum night-time temperature in February in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)14
    14°C min night temperature
  • 11 hours of daylight per day in February in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)11
    11 hours of daylight per day
  • No heat & humidity in February in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)0
    No heat & humidity
  • 29 mm monthly rainfall in February in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)29
    29 mm of monthly rainfall
  • UV (maximum) index 6 (High) in February in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)6
    6 (High) UV index
  • 19°C sea temperature in February in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)19
    19°C sea temperature

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The February weather guide for Gran Canaria (Maspalomas) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Things to do in Gran Canaria in February 2026

Despite being known as the Island of Eternal Spring, seasons come and go in Gran Canaria just like everywhere else, and events are held to celebrate the such as the Fiestas del Almendro en Flor, which take place during the first and second week of the month. Don't miss the almond trees flowering in the San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Tejeda, and Valsequillo municipalities at the same time.

Sign up in advance to cross the island on foot in an exciting race organised by Transgrancanaria later in February. The longest distance category is 125 km. Absolute beginners will no doubt prefer the altogether more family friendly 17 km or even watching the competition rather than participating in it.

At the end of the month, on February's ultimate Sunday, the main event of Artenara's Fiestas de San Matías takes place. This is the most religious day of the celebrations held in honour of the municipality's patron saint with a procession to St Matthew's Church in the heart of the capital.The day before is more secular, with children's activities and a music concert to round off proceedings in the evening.

Event Location Date
Fiestas del Almendro en Flor San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Tejeda, and Valsequillo typically over the first two weeks of February
Transgrancanaria islandwide including Ayagaures, Meloneras, and Tunte 21 to 25 February in 2018
Fiestas de San Matías Artenara late February into early March

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More about Gran Canaria

How hot is it in Gran Canaria in February?

Daytime temperatures usually reach 20°C in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria in February, falling to 14°C at night.

How sunny is it in Gran Canaria in February?

There are normally 7 hours of bright sunshine each day in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria in February - that's 63% of daylight hours.

How warm is the sea around Gran Canaria in February?

The average sea temperature around Maspalomas, Gran Canaria in February is 19°C.

Does it ever rain in Gran Canaria in February?

There are usually 3 days with some rain in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria in February and the average monthly rainfall is 29mm.

Gran Canaria February sunrise & sunset times

Browse the sunrise and sunset times for Gran Canaria in February 2026. Select a month to view Gran Canaria sunrise and sunset times for the next 12 months. The Gran Canaria sunrise and sunset times shown below are for Maspalomas.


Date Sunrise times Sunset times
Sunday, 1st February 2026 07:49 18:43
Saturday, 14th February 2026 07:41 18:53
Saturday, 28th February 2026 07:28 19:02

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