Gran Canaria weather in January 2026

Expect daytime maximum temperatures of 20°C in Gran Canaria, Spain in January based on long-term weather averages. There are 7 hours of sunshine per day on average.

  • 20°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)20
    20°C max day temperature
  • 7 hours of sunshine per day
  • 3 days with some rainfall in January in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)3
    3 days with some rainfall
  • 14°C minimum night-time temperature in January in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)14
    14°C min night temperature
  • 11 hours of daylight per day in January in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)11
    11 hours of daylight per day
  • No heat & humidity in January in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)0
    No heat & humidity
  • 27 mm monthly rainfall in January in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)27
    27 mm of monthly rainfall
  • UV (maximum) index 4 (Moderate) in January in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)4
    4 (Moderate) UV index
  • 19°C sea temperature in January in Gran Canaria (Maspalomas)19
    19°C sea temperature

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The January weather guide for Gran Canaria (Maspalomas) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Things to do in Gran Canaria in January 2026

Gran Canaria natives start the new year as they end the old one: partying. The first big festivity is La Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos. The Magic Kings are how the Spanish refer to the 'Three Wise Men', and the 6th January (Epiphany) is when Spain's boys and girls historically unwrapped their Christmas presents (and even now they get more on this day than on Christmas Day).

The day itself is a quiet one which locals like to enjoy in the company of their family, however the evening parade the night before is anything but. The most colourful 5th January fiesta takes place on the streets of capital Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in a procession which takes the regal trio from Las Canteras Beach to downtown Triana.

The middle of the month sees the capital's Auditorio Alfredo Kraus commence its role as host of the Gran Canaria concerts of the Festival Internacional de Música de Canarias, a highbrow series of classical music performances from heavyweight ensembles and orchestras local, national, and international.

Altogether bawdier fun is to be had at the Carnaval de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria at the end of January which, like the international music festival, continues into February. Expect cross dressing from contestants at the drag queen competition and also those attired as widows surreally accompanying their sardine husband to his ocean cremation during El Entierro de la Sardina procession.

Event Location Date
La Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos islandwide 5th & 6th January
Festival Internacional de Música de Canarias Las Palmas de Gran Canaria mid January into February
Carnaval de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Las Palmas de Gran Canaria late January into February
(26 Jan-18 Feb 2018)

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More about Gran Canaria

How hot is it in Gran Canaria in January?

Daytime temperatures usually reach 20°C in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria in January, falling to 14°C at night.

How sunny is it in Gran Canaria in January?

There are normally 7 hours of bright sunshine each day in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria in January - that's 61% of daylight hours.

How warm is the sea around Gran Canaria in January?

The average sea temperature around Maspalomas, Gran Canaria in January is 19°C.

Does it ever rain in Gran Canaria in January?

There are usually 3 days with some rain in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria in January and the average monthly rainfall is 27mm.

Gran Canaria January sunrise & sunset times

Browse the sunrise and sunset times for Gran Canaria in January 2026. Select a month to view Gran Canaria sunrise and sunset times for the next 12 months. The Gran Canaria sunrise and sunset times shown below are for Maspalomas.


Date Sunrise times Sunset times
Thursday, 1st January 2026 07:53 18:19
Friday, 16th January 2026 07:54 18:30
Saturday, 31st January 2026 07:50 18:42

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