Italy weather by month

Check out Italy weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
12°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Rome12
13°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Rome13
16°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Rome16
18°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Rome18
23°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Rome23
27°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Rome27
30°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Rome30
30°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Rome30
27°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Rome27
22°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Rome22
17°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Rome17
13°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Rome13
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
14 days with some rainfall in January in Rome14
13 days with some rainfall in February in Rome13
13 days with some rainfall in March in Rome13
13 days with some rainfall in April in Rome13
10 days with some rainfall in May in Rome10
8 days with some rainfall in June in Rome8
5 days with some rainfall in July in Rome5
6 days with some rainfall in August in Rome6
9 days with some rainfall in September in Rome9
12 days with some rainfall in October in Rome12
15 days with some rainfall in November in Rome15
14 days with some rainfall in December in Rome14

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Italy by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Italy (Rome) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Top Italy destinations

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Italy climate overview

This southern European country forms a rugged peninsula extending into the central Mediterranean Sea. Its rich cultural history, particularly from the Renaissance period, is reflected in the many buildings and monuments that dominate most cities, not to mention the enduring remains of the Roman Empire.

The northern tip of Italy is mountainous with the Italian Alps providing spectacularly high peaks. Winters at these elevations are very cold with extensive snow decorating pretty alpine firs. In contrast summer temperatures are comfortable with thundery showers producing quite a lot of rainfall. At lower elevations there are a few scenic lakes, including Lake Garda, which is particularly beautiful and surrounded by steep forested mountainsides.

The alpine mountain rivers drain into the Po Valley in the north-east, Italy's largest lowland area. It is heavily populated and intensively cultivated with wheat and rice. Here winters can be cold and foggy with a dusting of snow, while summers are usually warm and sunny.

Running down the spine of the country are the Apennine Mountains, which fade to rolling hills down to a narrow coastal lowland strip. Citrus and olive groves flourish, as well as extensive vineyards, especially in the central regions of Tuscany and Umbria. The coast itself is a mixture of long sandy beaches, precipitous cliffs, and atmospheric Mediterranean villages.

Generally the further south you travel through Italy the less chance there is of rain in the summer months. Summers are also warmer further south and mostly sunny. However there may be periods of unusually high temperatures when warm humid air known as the 'sirocco' blows in from North Africa. Showers are possible during the rest of the year, most prevalent over southern and eastern coasts, while winters are cool.

Several large, and many small Mediterranean islands lie offshore. The two largest, Sardinia and Sicily, have mountain ranges with Sicily being home to the spectacular active volcano, Mount Etna. On the islands there are cool winters, with snow on the highest peaks, followed by long hot, dry summers. This allows little more than barren natural vegetation, although olive groves, citrus fruit, and grapevines are all cultivated.

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Compare Italy with the UK

Below the Italy chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Italy (Rome) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Italy (Rome)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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