Best time to visit Mellieha Bay

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Mellieha Bay by month

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When is the best time to visit Mellieha Bay?

The best time to visit Mellieha Bay is May and June based on the following average weather conditions.

Maximum daytime temperature = 22 - 30°C [remove]
Daily hours of sunshine = 10 hours or more [remove]

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Max Day Temperature (°C)

  • 15°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Mellieha Bay15
  • 15°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Mellieha Bay15
  • 16°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Mellieha Bay16
  • 19°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Mellieha Bay19
  • 23°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Mellieha Bay23
  • 27°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Mellieha Bay27
  • 30°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Mellieha Bay30
  • 30°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Mellieha Bay30
  • 28°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Mellieha Bay28
  • 24°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Mellieha Bay24
  • 20°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Mellieha Bay20
  • 17°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Mellieha Bay17

Hours of Sunshine (daily)

Which is the hottest month in Mellieha Bay?

The hottest time of year in Mellieha Bay is normally August. Expect maximum daytime temperatures to reach 30°C with high heat and humidity.

Which month has the most rain in Mellieha Bay?

In terms of rainfall, December is usually the wettest month in Mellieha Bay with 99mm on average. There are normally 13 days in December with some rain.

When is it sunniest in Mellieha Bay?

The sunniest time of year in Mellieha Bay is normally July with bright sunshine on average for 81% of daylight hours; that's 12 hours of sunshine per day.

When is the sea warmest in Mellieha Bay?

The sea is usually at its warmest in Mellieha Bay in August when the water temperature reaches 27°C.

Best time to visit

The weather guide for Malta (Mellieha Bay) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia) & today's weather forecast provided by meteoblue. Find out more about our data sources.

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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About Mellieha Bay

Malta's Mellieha Bay is where a beautiful ribbon of beach is watched over by the historic town on the hilltop.

A vibrant yet relaxed place, Mellieha Bay is very inviting thanks to its golden sandy beach with countless loungers plus bars and restaurants filled with good food and cold drinks. Take part in watersports, snorkelling or simply sit back and soak up some rays.

Mellieha Bay, Malta
Mellieha Bay, Malta ©

Hop on the bus for a short ride to the town above - or walk if you're feeling adventurous. Meander through the narrow lanes, browse boutique shops, and investigate the various Baroque churches to get a feel for local life.

There's plenty to entertain history buffs in and around Mellieha Bay, from the 17th-century St Agatha's Tower (or Red Tower), offering views across to Gozo, or for something a bit more recent, visit the area's original air raid shelter for a taste of Maltese life during World War II.

If the great outdoors is calling, pay a visit to Majjistral Nature and History Park, Malta's first natural national park. Here it's all about conservation and preservation, looking after the land and the species that inhabit it.

Take a guided walk or snorkel to see it at its best. There are also some fascinating day trips to be had, including visiting the ancient city and former Maltese capital of Mdina, as well as Mgarr, where you'll find the UNESCO site of the Ta'Hagrat Temples, which date back to 3600 BC.

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