Panama weather by month

Check out Panama weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
30°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Panama City30
31°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Panama City31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Panama City31
32°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Panama City32
31°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Panama City31
29°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Panama City29
30°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Panama City30
29°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Panama City29
29°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Panama City29
29°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Panama City29
28°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Panama City28
29°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Panama City29
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
8 days with some rainfall in January in Panama City8
6 days with some rainfall in February in Panama City6
5 days with some rainfall in March in Panama City5
8 days with some rainfall in April in Panama City8
18 days with some rainfall in May in Panama City18
19 days with some rainfall in June in Panama City19
21 days with some rainfall in July in Panama City21
22 days with some rainfall in August in Panama City22
17 days with some rainfall in September in Panama City17
22 days with some rainfall in October in Panama City22
24 days with some rainfall in November in Panama City24
15 days with some rainfall in December in Panama City15
Sea temperature °C
27°C sea temperature in January in Panama City27
26°C sea temperature in February in Panama City26
25°C sea temperature in March in Panama City25
26°C sea temperature in April in Panama City26
28°C sea temperature in May in Panama City28
29°C sea temperature in June in Panama City29
28°C sea temperature in July in Panama City28
28°C sea temperature in August in Panama City28
28°C sea temperature in September in Panama City28
28°C sea temperature in October in Panama City28
28°C sea temperature in November in Panama City28
28°C sea temperature in December in Panama City28

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Panama by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Panama (Panama City) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Top Panama destinations

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Panama climate overview

Lying at the southern end of Central America, Panama connects the Caribbean with the Pacific via the Panama Canal, an incongruous man-made channel cut through virgin jungle. The Canal itself is central to the Panama's economy and more than half of the country's population lives within 20 kilometres (12 miles) of it.

High mountains run down the central spine of western Panama, with dormant volcanoes as well as spectacular mountain scenery and waterfalls. Fragmented smaller mountain chains can also be found in the east where high ground is covered by extensive woodland and untouched rainforest. In the foothills there are cultivated regions with banana and coffee plantations.

From the coast, lowland plains rise to rolling hills further inland that support savannah and grazing grasslands. A vast swathe of lowland plain can be found between the Azuero peninsula and the Central Mountains. This is the main agricultural area sustaining rice, maize and bean fields.

Panama has a tropical and wet climate. The driest regions are south of the mountains and along the Pacific coast, and this is where most of the population lives. The rainy season lasts from April to December and is followed by a drier period from January to March. Temperatures are warm or hot throughout the year and high humidity can lead to sultry conditions.

The Caribbean coast is equally hot and humid, but significantly wetter. It rains most of the year with maybe just a brief drier spell in February and March.

The mountains escape the humidity and high temperatures, but not the unrelenting rain, which only briefly breaks between February and March.

Compare Panama with the UK

Below the Panama chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Panama (Panama City) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Panama (Panama City)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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