South Georgia & South Sandwich weather by month

Check out the South Georgia & South Sandwich weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

Temperature in South Georgia & South Sandwich (°C)

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max temperature (daytime)
7°C maximum daytime temperature in January in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)7
8°C maximum daytime temperature in February in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)8
7°C maximum daytime temperature in March in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)7
4°C maximum daytime temperature in April in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)4
2°C maximum daytime temperature in May in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)2
1°C maximum daytime temperature in June in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
0°C maximum daytime temperature in July in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
1°C maximum daytime temperature in August in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
2°C maximum daytime temperature in September in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)2
4°C maximum daytime temperature in October in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)4
5°C maximum daytime temperature in November in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)5
6°C maximum daytime temperature in December in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)6
Min temperature (night-time)
1°C minimum night-time temperature in January in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
1°C minimum night-time temperature in February in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
0°C minimum night-time temperature in March in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
-1°C minimum night-time temperature in April in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)-1
-4°C minimum night-time temperature in May in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)-4
-5°C minimum night-time temperature in June in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)-5
-6°C minimum night-time temperature in July in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)-6
-5°C minimum night-time temperature in August in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)-5
-4°C minimum night-time temperature in September in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)-4
-2°C minimum night-time temperature in October in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)-2
-1°C minimum night-time temperature in November in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)-1
0°C minimum night-time temperature in December in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
Heat & Humidity
No heat & humidity in January in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in February in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in March in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in April in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in May in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in June in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in July in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in August in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in September in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in October in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in November in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No heat & humidity in December in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
Sea temperature
3°C sea temperature in January in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)3
3°C sea temperature in February in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)3
4°C sea temperature in March in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)4
3°C sea temperature in April in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)3
2°C sea temperature in May in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)2
1°C sea temperature in June in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
1°C sea temperature in July in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
0°C sea temperature in August in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
0°C sea temperature in September in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
0°C sea temperature in October in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
1°C sea temperature in November in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
2°C sea temperature in December in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)2

Note: 0 = None, L = Low, M = Moderate, H = High, VH = Very high, E = Extreme

Sunshine & Daylight in South Georgia & South Sandwich

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Daily hours of sunshine
Daily hours of daylight
16 hours of daylight per day in January in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)16
15 hours of daylight per day in February in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)15
12 hours of daylight per day in March in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)12
10 hours of daylight per day in April in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)10
8 hours of daylight per day in May in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)8
7 hours of daylight per day in June in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)7
8 hours of daylight per day in July in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)8
10 hours of daylight per day in August in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)10
12 hours of daylight per day in September in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)12
14 hours of daylight per day in October in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)14
16 hours of daylight per day in November in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)16
17 hours of daylight per day in December in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)17
UV Index (Maximum)
UV (maximum) index 7 (High) in January in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)7
UV (maximum) index 6 (High) in February in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)6
UV (maximum) index 4 (Moderate) in March in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)4
UV (maximum) index 2 (Low) in April in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)2
UV (maximum) index 1 (Low) in May in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
No UV (maximum) index in June in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
No UV (maximum) index in July in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)0
UV (maximum) index 1 (Low) in August in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)1
UV (maximum) index 2 (Low) in September in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)2
UV (maximum) index 5 (Moderate) in October in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)5
UV (maximum) index 7 (High) in November in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)7
UV (maximum) index 8 (Very High) in December in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)8

Rainfall in South Georgia & South Sandwich

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Number of days with some rain
17 days with some rainfall in January in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)17
16 days with some rainfall in February in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)16
18 days with some rainfall in March in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)18
19 days with some rainfall in April in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)19
18 days with some rainfall in May in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)18
16 days with some rainfall in June in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)16
17 days with some rainfall in July in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)17
15 days with some rainfall in August in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)15
18 days with some rainfall in September in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)18
18 days with some rainfall in October in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)18
17 days with some rainfall in November in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)17
16 days with some rainfall in December in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)16
Average monthly rainfall (mm)
112 mm monthly rainfall in January in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)112
143 mm monthly rainfall in February in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)143
155 mm monthly rainfall in March in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)155
157 mm monthly rainfall in April in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)157
178 mm monthly rainfall in May in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)178
148 mm monthly rainfall in June in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)148
143 mm monthly rainfall in July in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)143
139 mm monthly rainfall in August in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)139
138 mm monthly rainfall in September in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)138
117 mm monthly rainfall in October in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)117
102 mm monthly rainfall in November in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)102
90 mm monthly rainfall in December in South Georgia & South Sandwich (Grytviken)90

More about the South Georgia

South Georgia by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for South Georgia & South Sandwich, represented by Grytviken, (Grytviken) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands climate overview

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands lie isolated and exposed in the Southern Atlantic Ocean to the southeast of the Falkland Islands. After their discovery over 300 years ago, the British set up a now-abandoned whaling station on South Georgia. Today, the island's inhabitants consist of just a handful of scientists and massive colonies of penguins and seals, while thousands of albatross circle overhead. The South Sandwich Islands are uninhabited.

South Georgia is mountainous with two ranges, the Allardyce and Salvesen forming the backbone of the island. The northwest is low compared with the southeast where mountains plunge almost vertically into Drygalski Fjord creating spectacular sea cliffs. Over half the mountain peaks, many with jagged pinnacles, are permanently snow-covered, and there are numerous glaciers many of which calf directly into the sea. Vegetation is found only along the coasts where hardy tussock grass, lichen, and mosses cling to survival.

The South Sandwich Islands are a volcanic chain to the south-east of South Georgia. There are 11 main islands, some of which are still volcanically active. All are largely covered in permanent snow and ice with very little vegetation.

The climate is harsh with plenty of cloud and rain. Because of its relatively northerly position and being surrounded by a large ocean, South Georgia escapes the extremes that are experienced further south in Antarctica. The temperature is usually just above or just below freezing. Rain can fall throughout the year, turning to snow during the winter everywhere, and over higher ground during the summer.

The combination of strong westerly winds and cold temperatures makes for a high wind chill although occasional comfortable temperatures are possible during the long summer days. The sea sometimes freezes in sheltered bays in winter. Conditions in the South Sandwich Islands are similar but colder.

Compare South Georgia & South Sandwich with the UK

Below the South Georgia & South Sandwich chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (Grytviken) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (Grytviken)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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