Trinidad & Tobago weather by month

Check out Trinidad & Tobago weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
30°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad30
30°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad30
31°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad31
32°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad32
31°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad31
30°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad30
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
14 days with some rainfall in January in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad14
8 days with some rainfall in February in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad8
9 days with some rainfall in March in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad9
6 days with some rainfall in April in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad6
19 days with some rainfall in May in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad19
20 days with some rainfall in June in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad20
24 days with some rainfall in July in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad24
23 days with some rainfall in August in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad23
19 days with some rainfall in September in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad19
21 days with some rainfall in October in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad21
25 days with some rainfall in November in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad25
21 days with some rainfall in December in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad21
Sea temperature °C
26°C sea temperature in January in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad26
26°C sea temperature in February in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad26
26°C sea temperature in March in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad26
27°C sea temperature in April in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad27
27°C sea temperature in May in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad27
27°C sea temperature in June in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad27
28°C sea temperature in July in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad28
28°C sea temperature in August in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad28
29°C sea temperature in September in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad29
28°C sea temperature in October in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad28
28°C sea temperature in November in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad28
27°C sea temperature in December in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad27

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Trinidad & Tobago by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Trinidad & Tobago (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Top Trinidad & Tobago destinations

Below are average maximum temperatures at popular countries, regions and places in Trinidad & Tobago for next month - April. Select a destination to see the climate guide for all months of the year.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Trinidad and Tobago climate overview

The twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago lie at the southern tip of the eastern Caribbean just off the Venezuelan coast. Unusually for the Caribbean, the majority of the population of Trinidad is not of African origin because after the abolition of slavery the British introduced migrant workers from India.

Trinidad's capital, Port Of Spain, is widely regarded as the carnival Mecca of the Caribbean, when during the February celebrations, outrageously colourful costumes, rhythmic steel bands and calypso dancing add to an electrifying street party attended by tens of thousands. The Northern Mountain range of Trinidad forms an impressive backdrop to the capital city, while the rest of the island is made up of rolling hillsides and plains. Vegetation is a mixture of crop plantations, indigenous lush forest and mangrove swamp.

The interior of Tobago is mountainous with thick rainforest, nevertheless this jungle wilderness is wholly accessible in the Tobago Forest Reserve, which has a road running through its heart. The island's coast is blessed with numerous beautiful white sand beaches with coconut palms and reef protected waters.

Trinidad and Tobago's tropical climate has a rainy summer season, the wettest months being from June to November with a distinctive drop in rainfall in late September or early October. The drier and sunnier winter season runs from February to April, but even during this time, it will rain most afternoons over the higher ground. Temperatures remain warm all year round with high heat and humidity in most months.

Although officially lying just south of the 'hurricane belt', tropical storms and hurricanes do occasionally hit the islands.

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Compare Trinidad & Tobago with the UK

Below the Trinidad & Tobago chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Trinidad and Tobago (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Trinidad and Tobago (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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