West Bank weather by month

Check out the West Bank weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
13°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Bethlehem13
15°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Bethlehem15
17°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Bethlehem17
22°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Bethlehem22
26°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Bethlehem26
29°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Bethlehem29
30°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Bethlehem30
30°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Bethlehem30
29°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Bethlehem29
26°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Bethlehem26
20°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Bethlehem20
15°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Bethlehem15
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
10 days with some rainfall in January in Bethlehem10
10 days with some rainfall in February in Bethlehem10
8 days with some rainfall in March in Bethlehem8
3 days with some rainfall in April in Bethlehem3
1 day with some rainfall in May in Bethlehem1
0 days with some rainfall in June in Bethlehem0
0 days with some rainfall in July in Bethlehem0
0 days with some rainfall in August in Bethlehem0
0 days with some rainfall in September in Bethlehem0
3 days with some rainfall in October in Bethlehem3
5 days with some rainfall in November in Bethlehem5
9 days with some rainfall in December in Bethlehem9

More about the West Bank

West Bank by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for West Bank (Bethlehem) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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West Bank climate overview

Lying at the very heart of the Middle East, these so-called 'occupied territories' are part of the Palestinian-Israeli land dispute.

The West Bank is a portion of land bordering Israel to the west, and Jordan and the Dead Sea to the east. The region has immense biblical importance, incorporating towns like Bethlehem and Jericho. Between them, they contain ancient ruins, historical monasteries and tombs.

A mountain range runs down the middle of the West Bank becoming broader and more elevated in the south, while petering-out to no more than rolling hills in the north. Summers along these mountains are dry, sunny, and warm but become wet and cool during the winter with occasional snow cover.

To the east, the mountains slope down to the Dead Sea. This highly saline body of water is well below sea level; in fact it is the lowest point on Earth. It is also a popular place for tourists to bathe in the medicinal waters and cover themselves in nutrient-rich mud.

The West Bank has hot dry summers with plenty of sunshine and hardly any rain; it can however be uncomfortably hot and humid at times. In winter temperatures are more comfortable with a moderate amount of rainfall between November and March.

Compare West Bank with the UK

Below the West Bank chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for West Bank (Bethlehem) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

West Bank (Bethlehem)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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